Except in Syllable Love is Never Singular: Russian Fashion Model Talks About Love
2,306 views   /  14 Feb 2016
Every time when St. Valentine’s Day comes by, what a lot of people miss out on is the importance of self-love. To truly share love with someone, we must first learn how to love ourselves, love our passions and dreams, and always listen to our hearts. The beautiful thing about love is that it’s never a single feeling. It’s everywhere and it must be shared.
By Afanasiy Pervomaisky
On St. Valentine’s Day, Russian Accent discusses the meaning of love with Alina Aliluykina, a girl who sees love everywhere, in all its forms and in all of us. Born and raised in Russia, Alina decided to grab her dreams by the horns and go to Los Angeles to pursue her passion in modeling, acting and singing. What makes Alina so fascinating is her story of love, so passionate and sincere that it made her to stay in California no matter what.
“I feel like I’m a citizen of the world with a Russian soul,” Alina says. She just recorded her first musical album which comes out this spring and starred in a new Ana Lily Amirpour film along with Jim Carrey and Keanu Reeves called “The Bad Batch.” We also saw Alina shooting laser guns and fighting robots in the Fall Out Boy and Steve Aoki music video “Back to Earth.” Alina was featured several times on the front page of Cosmopolitan fashion magazine. The sky’s the limit for Alina and we’re excited to see what comes next from her.
Russian Accent: Looking at your social media accounts, one might notice that you talk a lot about love. This question might sound like a cliché, but what is love in your opinion?
Alina: Love is a lifestyle. Love is what you do, what you eat, choices you make, love is the way you look at people who you meet and how you build relationships with them; love is also how you cope with difficult situations in life, jealousy, fear and judgment.
Love is about forgiveness and compassion, love is the way I look at others and myself in this world. Love is choice and when you make that choice – everything becomes love.
Russian Accent: Is there a difference between how Russians and people from other countries love each other? If yes, what’s the difference?
Alina: True Love is universal and I don’t see any difference.
The mentality is different. When you truly love somebody you exchange knowledge, you learn new things together and you grow from experiences you have had together. You don’t blame each other if something went wrong, you don’t compete who is right or who is wrong, you don’t manipulate, you don’t control each other, you simply are two people who made a choice to be together. Nobody is perfect, that’s why the key is to want and do things to become a better person/a better partner to your lover.
The sh*t is always going to come up and you will have disagreements, it is okay. We are different and sometimes we have different points of view. Don’t think that your partner should think exactly like you. Ask for respect towards yourself and respect him in turn.
Russian Accent: What do you think is the main quality that a woman should have and pay the most attention to?
Alina: Women should be strong, loving and respectful toward themselves. Simple as this.
We live in the fastest pace the world has ever been, we live in the century of information and progress and we still see how women get paid less than men for same jobs. In some countries women can’t vote, drive, leave a house without a male’s permission! There are so many beautiful, smart girls around us who unfortunately think that to get married is the best thing they can do in this life. And if their husband is rich that’s the jackpot. So all the girls have that sh*t in their mind and trying so hard to find “the one” who will make their dreams come true.
I think that there is no one who can make your dreams come true, but yourself. You are the dreamer and you got to create your own dreams! Dear Women! Stand up for yourself! Be ambitious, and passionate about things you love, pursue the dream, work hard to get it, don’t get small because of labels and “norms” and because your parents/friends said this is how things should be in your life, NO! Your life is up to you and you get to decide! It is YOUR life, make the best out of it and be the best version of yourself living it.
Russian Accent: I know that in the past you posed nude in a photoshoot. What’s your opinion on nudity and why did you decide to pose au naturele?
Alina: We’re all sexual beings and nudity is a natural thing. We didn’t choose to be that way we were born that way. For me sexuality is beautiful. It’s natural and pure on or off the camera.
Russian Accent: I know that you love doing yoga. Is it more for physical conditioning or mental focus and spiritual healing?
Alina: It is the perfect mix of both. I do vanyasa flow style, it’s an intense workout for an hour and then I do breathing work and slow postures to get a deep stretch and relaxation of my body for 30 minutes. My yoga studio in Los Angeles, called “Wanderlust,” is quite spiritual, a lot of teachers have a spiritual mindset, before and after practice they will say a prayer, the topic is always different such as gratitude, appreciation, awareness, love and forgiveness. It inspires me, reminds about meaningful and real things in life.
Russian Accent: Let’s talk about your work. You do all the things many of us dream about – music, acting and modeling. Which one is more important to you? (If one could even separate the three of them)
Alina: All of it is ART, and I love them all.
Art is a very powerful place to spread knowledge, inspire people, cheer people up, to tell life changing story, to make people feel alive, to spread the truth, to motivate people, to remind how important simple things are, and how powerful human beings are, how important the progress is, and how important it is to dream. That’s the message I want to pass to people with my art.
I remember I had a conversation with my friend and he told me that science is much more important than art. I asked why did he think so and he said: “Well because 100 years ago there were no antibiotics and people were dying from the sore throat.” I replied that there are a lot of people who get lonely and sad in this world and one kind movie or a great song can save and change their lives just like a pill.
I wish there was less crap or even better no crap at all on TV and radio and more meaningful films, TV shows and songs.
Russian Accent: You radiate happiness, joy and peace. What’s your secret?
Alina: It’s simple. To do what I love to do, constantly grow and never cheat on myself.
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